When Can Collaborative Divorce Be Right For You?

Child Support Lawyers In Orlando FL

The thought of going through court proceedings and litigation related to divorce can be daunting to some. It is even more so in divorce cases. You end up fighting for your rights against someone who was once very close to you. This can be emotionally draining and very stressful indeed.

That is where collaborative divorce has been introduced. This new way of resolving matters without going to court or threatening to do so can be better.

But remember that this is not for everyone out there. Sometimes the spouses just can’t stand the sight of each other let alone be in the same room. Collaborative divorce may be unfruitful in these instances.

Collaborative divorce involves your two attorneys and a team of mental health professionals and financial experts. All of them trying to reach settlements best for both parties. That in no way means that you have to let go of your rights. Your attorney will always make sure that your rights remain protected. But instead of just one spouse’s benefit, both parties’ needs will be considered here. Most probably will have to settle somewhere in between what is rightfully yours and everything you can get.

Collaborative divorce can be the best option if you want to part ways without any animosity. Also, the stress of having to go through court proceedings won’t be there. You can also, take it at your own pace without a judge deciding how fast your divorce proceeds.

Child Support Lawyers In Orlando FL can help you decide which path to take to reach the best outcome. With the best legal counsel from a professional divorce lawyer, you can assuredly achieve the best result. Looking everywhere for the best divorce lawyer Orlando who can help you through these tough times? Call the Law Office of Erin Morse right away to get the best legal counsel for your case.